Monday, September 27, 2010

Echoes of the Rainbow .... @ Sis Vicky's house on 25.9.2010

It was a raining and thundering and we were watching this movie… what a somber atmosphere!
Despite the rain, we all came and were delighted because it was movie time and it is “free”. Seldom we got something free without string attached (I still believe there are). The jolly and happy atmosphere slowly moves to poignant as of causing a sharp sense of pity because something unfortunate befell this family. The elder brother was diagnosed with leukemia………. thou the movie didn’t end up likes a fairly tale but it does show us that life move on …. human do have the capacity to store what life handle to us.

When life gives you Lemons …. Make a Lemonade!

Below was the write up by Sis. Poh Lian (Vicky) ;

五个人…与当天在戏院观赏本片时的入场观众人数一样多。感谢Ley Kah, Sia Thuan, Eric, 耀明及淑蓉夫妻俩的赏脸出席。影片一开始是以一个孩童的倒叙作为序幕,孩子们的天真、60年代香港的浓浓人情味,令整部片子如行云流水般开展着故事的情节。
导演描写生活的手法非常细腻,令人觉得那么熟悉而不知不觉融入了电影中。然而,细嚼之下,不难发现“苦”味无处不在。首先,60、70年代的物资还不发达,身为鞋匠的父亲为人勤劳而踏实,却总是受尽英殖民政府里的白人小官员的欺压,生活清苦得只能有半盒月饼让一家人分享。但是,为人乐观的母亲却拥有快乐的能量去感染了丈夫与孩子。她总是说:“作人,总要信(念)”,还有,“鞋子半边难、另一边就是“佳”…这样一种生活态度是值得我们去学习的,开朗的心胸,遇到难题时,也会take it easy,所以往往就会调剂并冲淡了生活中的“苦味”。
影片前半部的节拍有点慢,其实一些伏线正是在悄悄酝酿着高潮戏- 哥哥罗建一考试成绩一落千丈,原来不是因为挂念着移民了的女友,而是因为患上了血癌,身体状态越来越差。这样的情节虽然有点“老套”(据说是导演的真实故事),但是“无常”的显现,令人倍感嘘唏!可不是,花样年华的优质生,课业、运动、吉他无一不精,前途一片光明;还有一个两情相悦的女友…偏偏生命来一个急转弯,所有的快乐(荣耀)与悲伤,都化作尘土了。还是老话一句:珍惜眼前人!
~ 分享者:宝莲

Monday, September 20, 2010

The journey continues….. A gathering at sis CP’s house @ 19.9.2010

I was greeted by the warmest smile and instantly felt the connection even though we have not met for some time apart from the recent RDC camp. Then, I was totally mesmerized by Gami, the cat. Not that I was a born cat lover but maybe I’m after some imprint on my mind by cats who adopted me one year ago. Interestingly this animal creature who does not speak human language is able to give the affection in its truest sense. Human are just too shy :-) I guess.

So, what we did at sister CP’s house? Well, she bribed us with foods. But I think the person who came late that day may not know we started the gathering with foods first. After satisfying our taste sense desire, we continued with the food for our mind. There was no specific topic but a random kind of conversation. But interestingly, the conversation came up to be kind of open mind for me, and hopefully some got the lightning effect like …. Ooo…maybe …yes. Besides, it was good to hear people pouring out their views and opinions without holding back. Be it right or partially wrong because that was secondary for me. Nobody say yours is better, or mine is better, right?

A nice, quiet and cozy apartment for Gami , she has definitely found a home sweet home and for us to spend the afternoon and do some homework. Ya, Ven. KB said do homework la…….remember?

May all be well and happy in your daily worldly venture ( p/s: don’t venture too far away from the BDS)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2nd Ex-PPB USM RDC 2010

May we all continue the journey with good companions and wise teachers to guide us.
At the same time, may we also be a good companion and wise friend to others.

The journey continue.....

"The journey continue"...... the title for our RDC 2010 booklet. A gift :-) made possible due to someone idea ... someone aspiration....someone effort.... someone contribution. May we all continue to give and receive , it is a blessing to be able to do so.