Monday, October 18, 2010

Working toward USM PPB Alumni….

Restarting, reviving, retrieving or whatever words deem suitable, a group of people are working on it which hopefully can benefit its member. It started because of someone thought (maybe somewhere and someone else too had occurred the similar thought) to revive the Alumni. Therefore, a slot was allocated during the 2nd ex USM PPB Reunion Dharma Camp 2010 to discuss about whether do we need alumni or not?. The verdict is yes, maybe, perhaps and non say no (absolutely). So we moved on from the 1st discussion (during camp) to the recently 3rd discussion. In between these people asked for specialist advice – the teacher – what should be alumni objective and where to draw a line. Drawing a line is because we do not wish to become another organization that will use up the resources which were already very limited. Three objectives for alumni to exist were drawn up as following;

1) To encourage member to continue learning and cultivating the dharma.
2) To provide information and networking platform for dharma learning and cultivation.
3) To foster warm fellowship among members.

If you have any suggestion or comment, please write to me / the undersigned.

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